Random team generator Excel

Need to quickly create groups or teams?

Try our team generator app or download our Excel randomizer to quickly creat groups or teams.

Random Team Generator

Overview guide

Our random team or group spreadsheet is simple enough to use but, in case of any doubt, follow the instructions below.

To open the Excel team generator click either here or on the picture above.

Using the ALL IN app to create groups

The ALL IN app also provides an easy way of creating and sorting groups of people.  You can invite people to an event and then organise those that are attending or, simply add in the names to work out the teams or groupings like you can with this spreadsheet.  

Click here to find out more.

How to use the Excel group creator

We’ve kept the spreadsheet super simple for ease of use.  All you need to do is add names, set the number of teams or groups, and  update the group names as desired.  Here’s how…

Adding names

You can add up to 50 names to the sheet in the left hand column.  These will automatically appear in the table on the right hand side as you add them.

Setting the number of teams

Simply pick the number of teams or groups you want, from 2 to 8.  The grid on the right will then update and allocate the people from the list evenly across the teams.

Random team generator Excel

Updating team names

Simply change the names in the group and team list and these will appear in the table to the right. 

Random team generator Excel

Triggering different group members

The Excel sheet will constantly be updating the groups as any changes are made.  Once you’ve added your people, picked the number of teams and finished updating the group you can continue to trigger the randomisation by updating the number of teams.  


Undoing changes

If, after getting all the people set up in the groups you want you accidentally trigger another change that undoes your selection, that’s OK.  Just click the undo button.  As it’s Excel at the end of the day you can just go back a step at any point.  


Printing out

When you’re done picking teams just hit Print to create a hard copy or PDF of the list.

Any questions?

If there’s anything you’re not sure about or if you need any more information please contact us at info@everyoneallin.com

Equally, if there’s anything you’d like included in the sheet which we’ve not built then please let us know at the address above or in the comments below.

Some helpful links

Not found quite what you were after?  Here are some alternative sites that can help with making your own random group, team or class generators.
  • This page in Excelchat has a step by step guide on how to create your own random team generator in Excel
  • Or, if you prefer an alternative download to our sheet above, the TrumpExcel site has an alternative Excel sheet with a step by step breakdown as to how it was  created:
  • Finally, for those that would rather watch a short video here’s a short tutorial by Michael Reitemeyer that shows you how to quickly create a basic random generator:

ALL IN for other topics?

You can find further information about using ALL IN for your sports teams, weekly 5 a side groups or any group activities here.

ALL IN also supports the use of aliases for children’s sports teams so you can manage both your availability, and your children’s, at the same time, ALL IN one app!

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